Sunday, August 18, 2013

We're just trying to find some color in this black and white world

Hello my (non-existent) readers and Ame

Singapore's first color run was held yesterday and I'm so glad I signed up to be a volunteer. Why I signed up to be a volunteer 1) the tickets ran out in three freaking hours (how often do marathons actually get sold out?) 2) too lazy to queue for the later batches of tickets 3) it's always more interesting to know how something is ran (to me at least) Luckily I got allocated to THE PINK ZONE sponsored by W hotel and it was the first color zone of the race! Best zone on Saturday according to the big boss! PINK PRIDE. Basically the color thingy's actually colored corn starch and god knows how much of it I consumed throughout the entire day. It was fun preparing all the powder, loading the mustard bottles, being the first to get colored and coloring others!!! There were a few reporters lingering around before the race started and they asked really funny (read: stupid) questions. Geez. It all happened so quickly OMG the crowd was so spontaneous. Thankfully Glenn didn't get to control the music at all because he had a very stupid idea in mind. Janise was sucha good DJ she really made the crowd work for the color! First song: Hello by Dragonette! Hello o o o. One hour plus of non-stop spraying and dancing I AM ACHING ALL OVER NOW. Oh! Before the run started we noticed this super grumpy man who had his hands crossed and staring at us having fun so angrily. Turns out, he was in charge of the workers responsible for cleaning the place after the run oopsiess. There were lots of caucasians, little children (I know), crazy good looking couples and random friends :-) most of them were pleasant but some were just very rude. Most parents didn't mind us coloring their children so we just sprayed our entire mustard bottle onto their heads! I apologize for throwing powder into people's mouth UNINTENTIONALLY. It was funny though: smiling, ooh color, chokes, cough.

Gonna be a cool auntie like her - Glenn at the back, test running 

What goes behind the pink on your clothes 

Noel (is so cute)! The bosses of megazip (the giant flying fox thing at Siloso beach) came over (our first "customers") and took two boxes of our powder! They threw powder from their megazip line OMG imagine: pink cloud. Is it just me or are caucasians that much more fun?



UNICORNS. Literally dumped whoever they were taking pictures with and came over to hug us 

Da amazing wonderful nice extraordinary ALIEN :-) 

To add on to the seventh month HORRORRR I look like a purple sweet potato 

I couldn't get rid of all the color after my shower so I went to swim today. How considerate of me. Now I can't tell if I am darker or red from the coloring. Luckily it's pinkish red though. Imagine if it was blue. I would look like an avatar character. Or yellow. As if I'm not yellow enough. OR GREEN. Did algae grow on my forehead or something? At least I look like I've radiant cheeks. Or forehead. Still weird. 

Some other random updates

I AM GONNA BE NEIGHBOURS WITH AME IN THREE YEARS' TIME!!! "WE CAN BE HEALTHY FRIENDS" Was praying we wouldn't have to shift because I really love where I'm living at now. Sigh gonna be so hard to leave. But I guess it's something to both look forward to and dread! Hope I won't be toooo sentimental bout it. Who am I kidding again? Excited to bask in the sun in the 100m lap pool and hopefully hopefully hopefully the gym is decently furnished! Sigh still not feeling it.
Mom says I'll have to exercise A LOT MORE in three year times coz that's when I'll get a job and become fat. WHO SAYS YOU NEED A JOB TO GET FAT. I get fat 24/7/365

I don't know if I'm going for prom! I was initially looking forward to it and getting all excited and HAPPY bout it. But that's the thing about it. I get excited very easily at the start and I run out of positive energy very quickly. Now I'm just like what-is-prom can eat one not? And suddenly there's nothing to look forward to anymore BIPOLAR LIFE 

Watched a part of National Day Rally and I just wanna say again that I'm proud to be a Singaporean. Sure we complain bout everything under the sun and even the sun (heat) sometimes, but honestly, Singapore is a pretty neat place to live in :-) Just think about it. We have so much more to be grateful for. Oooh I wanna sing National Day songs again. I loved Raffles' National Day celebrations. Easily satisfied after four years in poor TKGS 

Oh!! My social experiment aka askfm@spaceballing. I had a hard time analyzing the results. Conclusion: people take too many things at surface value (stupid conclusion by a stupid person) 

I want durians 

Last time I'm gonna blog in forever I took super to type such a short post GOSH time for sleep. I need to sleep and study a lot more. 

Bye hope I survive prelims and As 

Give me a sign I want to believe